Hosting Options

Following hosting variations are available for all Leased Licenses and Perpetual Licenses where our hosting services are engaged.

All Leased Edition Licenses are hosted by us. All Perpetual Edition Licenses might be hosted by us if you choose so. For websites important decision to make is your desired uptime or acceptable downtime for the website. All website software need maintenance, websites are hosted on web server, web servers also require regular maintenance. Sometimes unexpected events happen like harddisk crash, power outage etc. Website cannot be online during certain maintenance activities, just like you cannot use your car during its servicing period. Cost of hosting a website that is online/ available for usage for 99% of the time is very cheap. As you increase desired uptime from 99% to 99.9% or 99.99% or 99.999% cost goes exponentially higher. For 99% uptime charges are just few hundred US$ a year (for Ontogeny requiring professional RDBMS) and for 99.999% charges goes above US$100,000 a year. Since there are so many variations possible, we offer you 4 different choices for “Hosting Options” as detailed below:

Hosting 10 99.1% 3.285 78.84 6.57 394.2 13.14 788.4
Hosting 90 99.9% 0.365 8.76 0.73 43.8 1.46 87.6
Hosting 99 99.99% 0.0365 0.876 0.073 4.38 0.146 8.76
Hosting 999 99.999% 0.00365 0.0876 0.0073 0.438 0.0146 0.876

All published licenses prices already include 1 full year of Hosting 10 plan that offers 99.10% uptime guarantee.

Do note that all downtimes for maintenance works for Hosting 10 plan are scheduled to be between 2am to 4am so overall impact is negligible if you operate in single country or region around same time-zone. For Hosting 10 facilities usually downtime during maintenance period is under 1 hour (with maximum stretching to 2 hours) for 1 (mostly) to 3 (very rarely) times a month between 2am to 4am”. If you decide to continue using this plan then choose your server location carefully so that your most active users don’t get interrupted.

Hosting 10 plan can be hosted in anyone of the 3 regions United States, Europe and Asia. For the other 3 higher hosting options you have choice of 12 regions: US Central (Iowa), US East (Virginia), US North Central (Illinois), US South Central (Texas), US West (California), Europe North (Ireland), Europe West (Netherlands), Asia Pacific East (Hong Kong), Asia Pacific Southeast (Singapore), Japan East (Saitama Prefecture), Japan West (Osaka Prefecture) and Brazil South (Sao Paulo State). You may switch region if needed, if done so then there will be downtime of about 2 hours. Administrative charges will be applied for switching between regions.